Find balance by letting go

Blonde woman raises her arms

Fascia, our body's own connective tissue, play an important role in our well-being. They surround and connect our muscles, organs and bones and are significantly involved in the mobility and stability of our body. But when they stick together or harden, they can lead to pain and tension.

Spring is an ideal time to focus on detoxification and fascia training. Winter can build up a lot of waste products and toxins in our bodies, which can make us tired, listless and uninspired.
Sitting for a long time, lack of exercise or one-sided stress can cause the fascia to stick or harden, which can lead to pain and tension. By paying particular attention to fascia training and taking measures such as fascia rolling, yoga or Pilates, we can make our fascia supple again and ensure greater mobility, flexibility and well-being.

We offer you regular Fascia courses and Workshops on, In which you learn how to train and mobilize your fascia in a targeted manner. Through targeted exercises and massages, blood circulation and fascia regeneration are stimulated and tensions can be released. You'll notice how your body feels lighter and smoother and how you gain more mobility.

However, it is not only fascia that need attention Our body as a whole can also benefit from a detox cure. By saying goodbye to old habits and unnecessary ballast, you create space for new energy and vitality. It is also important to let go of old things mentally in order to be (more) in balance.

We should become aware of which habits and thoughts are blocking us and say goodbye to them. It can help to consciously take time for yourself and concentrate on the essentials.

We recommend that you use spring to let old things go, both physically and mentally. Take time for yourself regularly and say goodbye to old ballast and open yourself up to new challenges — feel balance and well-being. Just like nature: it is time to shine from within and without, to blossom!

Visit our Well-Being Studio and let yourself be inspired by our Fascia courses as well as Yin Yoga and Workshops inspire to bring body and mind into harmony.

This can help you get started right away. Our questions for you about “letting go for more balance”:

  1. What thoughts or behaviors are currently bothering me? Which old habits or patterns would I like to let go of in order to achieve more balance?
  2. How could I specifically train and mobilize my fascia? What exercises could I incorporate into my everyday life to care for my fascia?
  3. How could I consciously take time for myself and concentrate on the essentials? What rituals or practices could I incorporate into my everyday life to relax and unwind regularly?
  4. What could I do to achieve more balance between work and leisure? How could I redefine my priorities to create more space for relaxation and recovery?
  5. What positive changes have I already made in my life to achieve more balance? How can I further expand and deepen these changes?

Mindful Movement, Sound & Holistic Health

Wir sind ein Well-Being Studio in Berlin mit einem vielfältigen Angebot für deine holistische Gesundheit!

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