Everything you need to know about Vinyasa

Woman in yoga pose

This type of yoga, in which every movement corresponds to one breath, is perfect for anyone who loves speed and likes to reward themselves with plenty of relaxation. What is it about? Here is our Vinyasa Guide!

First things first — What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Vinyasa is a form of yoga that falls under the umbrella of “Hatha Yoga.” Hatha Yoga dates back at least to 1200 AD and can be translated as sun (“ha”) and moon (“ta”). The word “yoga” means “to unite,” “to joke,” or “to connect.”
As a quick form of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga requires one breath per movement. This means you inhale into one asana (a pose) and by the time you exhale, you are already switching to the next.

What can you expect from Vinyasa Yoga?

The poses in Vinyasa Yoga are powerful and energetic. You'll go through a variety of postures that challenge your muscles and build your physical strength. In many Vinyasa courses, you will go through certain poses or sequences several times, but with slight or sometimes significant variations. This contributes to the diversity and creativity of this form of yoga.

It's going to be “sweaty”! And that's a good thing! Because the faster pace of this practice increases your heart rate and challenges your endurance.

Poses in Vinyasa Yoga

In many yoga styles, such as Hatha or Bikram, you may be asked to hold a pose for several breaths. With Vinyasa Yoga, you probably won't spend long in an asana. Instead, you change postures with every breath. For example, you breathe in in Warrior I and out in Warrior II.

Each pose helps build strength, promote flexibility, and develop a deep understanding of the connection between breath and movement.

For example, this is one of the most famous asana flows: The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar): This dynamic process often serves as a warm-up exercise and consists of various poses that mobilize the entire body. The sun salutation promotes flexibility, strengthens muscles and sets the tone for the flowing character of the entire practice.

But this sequence will also sound familiar to you after your first Vinyasa courses: Warrior series (Virabhadrasana): In the various warrior poses, you will build up strength in your legs and trunk. These poses promote balance, endurance, and improve lower back muscles.

What to bring?

An open mind and no expectations. The uniqueness of Vinyasa Yoga is that it will provide a different experience every time you get on your mat. So be open to anything that can happen!

Mats and which props you need for your practice can be found in our studios. If you already know that you have shortened tendons or other challenges, feel free to add yoga blocks or a band to your mat.

Overall, Vinyasa Yoga offers a lively and refreshing experience that not only improves your physical fitness but also has a positive effect on your mental state. Be ready for a journey of flow, strength, and inner balance!

Mindful Movement, Sound & Holistic Health

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